Spotify blend playlist
Spotify blend playlist

spotify blend playlist

This option's location may change based on what Spotify is advertising at the time, but it's usually near the top of the "Browse all" banner. įind the "Made for you" button and tap it.On a mobile device, open the Spotify app and touch the "Search" option at the bottom of the screen (this feature is not available on desktop at this time). Once you’ve got a few steps down though, producing a Blend playlist is simple. These Spotify custom playlist options shift around a lot and can be difficult to find if you don't know where to look. Spotify’s AI currently abstracts all these controls away from us.When you and a buddy make a Blend playlist, you'll get a taste match score that tells you how similar your music tastes are, as well as a handful of elegant infographics that you can share on social media, akin to Spotify's year-in-review Wrapped playlist. Or maybe, on the other extreme, we want only the tracks that all of us love to feature in the playlist. Yeah AI is great, but sometimes we want more control, right? What if we don’t want any common tracks at all in our mix, and just want to discover each other’s library. It’s one of the most wholesome use of technology imo ❤īut, what if these blends are just scratching the surface of something much richer underneath? What if the social and discovery experience here could me made orders of magnitude better? What if Spotify Blend: Allowed us to control the discovery ratio A beautiful use case of these blends that I have seen is to listen to them when you are missing your friends. Moreover, the fact that the algorithm gives a mix of tracks we all love + songs loved by only one us, and is able to update the list daily is simply amazing! It’s not just a bonding agent, but a great discovery tool as well. There is something magical about discovering the music we and our friends love! Something that brings us closer, something very intimate.

Spotify blend playlist